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Zombies/Science Fiction

Mutation Z: The Ebola Zombies

First book in a series.​

Ebola, one of the most feared of the hemorrhagic diseases, has begun spreading across the borders of West African countries.  The CDC and the World Health Organization have admitted they are losing control over the disease.  Some hint at a possible worldwide pandemic ...


Mutation Z2 -  Closing Borders USA Today
Mutation Z: Closing the Borders

Second book in the series.

​Eviscerated bodies are found along both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border.  Military security is stepped up on both sides of the border.  However, journalists are given free rein to explore the devastation.  As more and more bodies are found, people begin to panic.  Meanwhile ,,,


Mutation Z3 - Protecting Our Own USA Tod
Mutation Z: Protecting Our Own

Third book in the series.

​Guerrilla warfare breaks out between armed militias and those perceived as protecting the zombies.  Journalist Hunter Morgan becomes the target of Clay Dixon, the organizer of a militia in a Texas border town, when he advocates for protecting the zombies until a cure is found.  The journalist has strong motivation for his beliefs: his daughter ...


Mutation Z: Drones Overhead

Fourth book in the series.

Journalist Hunter Morgan comes face-to-face with terrible truths, both personal and political.  Visiting a local hospital, he discovers firsthand that zombies aren’t being treated there.  Instead, they’re being sent to a more sinister fate in a program organized by the government.  Fearing he’ll be identified by the helicopters and drones flying constantly ,,,


Mutation Z 5 - Dragon in the Bunker USA
Mutation Z: Dragon in the Bunker

Fifth book in the series.

​Journalist Hunter Morgan gains an unlikely ally in his search for the truth about the origins of the zombie virus. Mark Chen, youngest son of a co-owner of Chen-Zamora Pharmaceuticals, shows him information more frightening than his greatest nightmares. Together, they travel all the way from an abandoned meth shack ...


Mutation Z6 - Desperate Measures USA Tod
Mutation Z: Desperate Measures

Sixth and final book in the series.

As things heat up in the United States with both the U.S. military and radical militias targeting those trying to develop a vaccine and cure for the Zombie Plague, more researchers flee to Mark Chen’s bunker in China.  There, they will be free to carry on their research.  Bringing patients afflicted with the Zombie Virus to China ... 


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Mutation Z Series, Books 1-3

The boxed set of Books #1, #2, and #3 in the MUTATION Z series offers readers another way to become familiar with this exciting series. The story is introduced through the eyes of Emma Johnson, a nurse whose first job is at The Liberia Treatment and Research Camp in West Africa. Young and naïve, she soon learns about the horrors of medical ...


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Mutation Z Series, Books 4-6

The boxed set of Books #4, #5, and #6 in the MUTATION Z series contains the final three books in this exciting series. As Journalist Hunter Morgan and a group of scientists begin to understand the complicity of the U.S. government, the U.S. military, the CDC, WHO, and a pharmaceutical corporation in the creation of the Zombie Plague, they become targets of those same groups ...

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Mutation Z Series, Books 1-6

Omnibus Edition of All Six Books in the Mutation Z Series

Ebola, one of the most feared of the hemorrhagic diseases, begins spreading across the borders of countries in West Africa. Soon after, the disease mutates into the “Z” or Zombie Virus. Journalist Hunter Morgan ...

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