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Mutation Z Series, Books 4-6: Drones Overhead, Dragon in the Bunker, Desperate Measures

When the source of a plague must be kept secret, journalists become the enemy of the state.


As Journalist Hunter Morgan and a group of scientists begin to understand the complicity of the U.S. government, the U.S. military, the CDC, WHO, and a pharmaceutical corporation in the creation of the Zombie Plague, they become targets of those same groups. Fleeing to a bunker in China, the scientists race for a cure against this devastating disease. This is conspiracy theory fiction in which zombies are used as biological weapons.


Boxed Set of NOVELLAS. GENRES: Apocalyptic Science Fiction, Zombie Fiction, Conspiracy Fiction, Horror.


“Mutation Z is like zombie M&Ms. You can’t read just one and keep reaching for more.” – Laura, FUONLYKNEW Blog


“WOW, Absolutely brilliant!… I want her to keep writing this series forever because it's Great!...It's scary, thrilling and believable.” – Haggielady, Amazon Reviewer 

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