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Children's Fantasy Adventure
The Fisherman's Son
Drink deeply by land or sea. Earth comes only once.
The Fisherman’s Son is a children’s novel about the adventures of twelve-year-old Wiley O’Mara. On the back of a magical dolphin, he rescues six boys trapped in an ancient city under the ocean. Along the way, he fights both The Beast in the Forest and a Fire Beast guarding the city of old.
The City of the Golden Sun
Magic exists in the most unexpected places. Sometimes, the burst of a bubble reveals a world of treasure.
In the first book, the main character, Wiley O’Mara, rescued six boys trapped in an ancient city submerged beneath the ocean. Now, they all return to The City of the Golden Sun. Once there, Wiley takes a backseat to Keegan, the son of King Reginauld, and to the magnificence of the ancient city...
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