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Mutation Z: The Ebola Zombies

Viruses mutate. Some mutations are worse than others.


Ebola, one of the most feared of the hemorrhagic diseases, has begun spreading across the borders of West African countries. The CDC and the World Health Organization have admitted they are losing control over the disease. Some hint at a possible worldwide pandemic.


At exactly this point in time, Emma Johnson graduates from nursing school. She takes a job in an Ebola treatment camp inside Liberia, West Africa. The camp is state-of-the-art. It's run by the CDC and the World Health Organization, and protected by the U.S. military.


Emma uncovers a secret about this facility: medical experimentation is being conducted along with treatment. Whether or not Emma ever manages to escape the camp, she's determined to get the story out. She has intimate knowledge of a biological horror being secretly unleashed upon the world.


NOVELETTE. GENRES: Zombie Fiction, Apocalyptic Science Fiction, Conspiracy Fiction, Horror.


Mutation Z: The Ebola Zombies is the first book in the Mutation Z series. In the next book, Mutation Z: Closing the Borders, the zombie virus crosses geographical boundaries and goes increasingly out of control.


“Wow. Powerful writing whisks you away, drops you into a dirty, steamy camp in West Africa, and bombards you with conspiracies, horror, and real life characters who could walk off the pages.” – Laura, FUONLYKNEW Blog

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