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The Fisherman's Son

The first book in the children's fantasy adventure trilogy by Marilyn Peake.

The Fisherman's Son is a children's novel filled with fantasy, adventure and the heroic qualities of a brave, young boy. At the same time, it includes accurate and beautiful descriptions of life under the ocean, villages similar to those of real nineteenth century island villages, and cities similar to those of ancient Greece and Rome. Part of the book is based on research accounts of what may have happened to Atlantis if it once existed.

The main character is a twelve-year-old boy named Wiley O'Mara. He lives on an island far up north where it is very cold, around the beginning of the nineteenth century. The island scenery and culture in some ways resemble that of Ireland around the same time. After meeting a dolphin who allows him to swim underwater, Wiley takes part in an extraordinary adventure through which he and the dolphin accomplish an incredible rescue mission. Along the way, Wiley and his friend encounter both real and imaginary creatures - the real fish, dolphins, coral reefs and changing depths of the North Atlantic Ocean, as well as imaginary creatures in the island forest and ocean depths surrounding Wiley's home.

Piers Anthony, Science Fiction and Fantasy Author:

"The Fisherman's Son - a nice children's fantasy, grounded in realism."

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